Before Booking

Before Booking Your Wedding Photography…

Provisional Bookings: If you wish to reserve your date, you can do this by phone or by email (or from the "Contact Simon" page email set up here, on the tab above). These require no reservation fee and are held for up to 2 weeks.

You May Want Me to Visit You: I often visit couples in their home or at a convenient location. This is an opportunity to meet up and see some sample albums.  Visits are fairly quick, tending to take around a half hour and are a sociable opportunity for us to check we're all happy before any booking is confirmed.  There is no commitment at this stage for you to book my services and I will never pressure you into booking.  The decision is left with you.  At the end of the visit you may however wish to reserve your date with a Provisional Booking.  There is no reservation fee required for Provisional Bookings which can be held for up to 2 weeks.

So get your diary out and feel free to contact me to book a brief visit....